Sunday, July 12, 2015

Grab your FREE 26-page booklet

Your Comprehensive Classroom Management Guide: 12 Steps to Your BEST School year EVER! 

Especially for middle school and
high school teachers!

This guide will help you . . .
  • Choose and develop a classroom theme to inspire and motivate your students for a positive start to the school year, or for a fresh outlook after winter break.
  • Develop specific procedures for entering the classroom, getting started with learning, coming to attention, closing the lesson and leaving the classroom, and even borrowing needed supplies.
  • See how one short list of rules and four, step-based consequences can settle, control, and provide security to nearly every one of your students. 
  • Increase your consistency in implementing your student discipline plan. 
  • Adopt the mindset that relation-based discipline is love in action

See how well your students respond to your relaxed, 
confident assurance that you will manage the 
classroom fairly and effectively.

Grab your FREE booklet today!